Tiptree Heath Primary School

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103 Maldon Road, Tiptree, Colchester, Essex, CO5 0PG


01621 815445

Tiptree Heath Primary School

"Working together for everyone"

  1. About the School
  2. Academic Outcomes

Academic Outcomes



2023 SAT results

Our Key Stage Two results were as follows:   (brackets indicate the national average)

Reading   90% at Age Related Expectation (73%)  with 28% achieving a higher standard (29%).
Writing   83% at Age Related Expectation (71%)  with 14% achieving a higher standard (13%).
Maths     79% at Age Related Expectation (73%)  with 17% achieving a higher standard (24%).

GPS         97% at Age Related Expectation (72%)  with 38% achieving a higher standard (30%).


72% of children achieved Age Related Expectation in reading, writing and maths combined (59%)

 7% of children achieved a higher standard in reading, writing and maths combined (8%)


Average Scaled Scores 

Average scaled score for Reading: 106

Average scaled score for Maths: 105

Average scaled score for Grammar, punctuation and Spelling: 107


Progress Scores

Reading Progress    + 0.1

Writing progress    - 0.2 

Maths progress     - 0.2


Compare our school's performance tables at:
