Tiptree Heath Primary School

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103 Maldon Road, Tiptree, Colchester, Essex, CO5 0PG


01621 815445

Tiptree Heath Primary School

"Working together for everyone"

  1. Classes
  2. Mulberry Class

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At Tiptree Heath we are: Ready, Respectful, Safe

What we have been up to:

Trip to Duxford IWM

What we have been up to:

WW2 Day

Our Year 6 Curriculum

Our Topic

The Americas

Our topic for the Spring Term is The Americas.

As part of this topic we will be learning about the countries in Central, South and North America. We will be comparing key characteristics of these countries including human and physical features, weather, land use and flora and fauna. We will be looking at climate zones and wonders of the world. We will be learning about the Amazon rainforest and how deforestation is affecting this. In DT we will be designing and making our own rainforest buggies. In art we will be looking at the work of Frida Kahlo and create our own rainforest animals out of clay.

As part of this topic we will also be learning about the ancient Maya. We will be looking at the development of the Mayan civilisation and the key individuals within this civilisation. We will finding out about the gods they worshipped, the games they played and the writing and number systems they used.

Our Science units this term are ‘Electricity’ and ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. As part of our electricity unit we will be identifying symbols and components of a circuit, identifying how the voltage of a circuit will affect the brightness of a lamp or volume of a buzzer and creating our own circuits with switches. Within our evolution and inheritance unit we will be recognising that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. We will also identify that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. We will be looking at inherited characteristics and how animals adapt to suit their environment.

Our maths units this term are: Fractions, Geometry: Position and Direction, Number: Decimals, Number: Percentages, Algebra, Measurement: Converting Units, Measurement: Perimeter, Area and Volume and Number: Ratio.

Our English Units are: Adventure stories, Balanced argument, Survival story, Diary writing and Riddles.


Information for Parents

Start time: 8:45am

End time: 3:15pm

Thursday and Friday are our PE days. Earrings must be taken out and long hair tied back for P.E sessions.

Weekly Homework 

For a copy of the homework sheet this week, click here.

English Homework: Have a go at the 5-for-5 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test five. This should be timed to 5 minutes.

Optional further homework: Complete the 'North America Countries Features' activity set on Purple Mash.

Here are some further spelling lists you could practise:

100 High Frequency Words,  200 next High Frequency Words,  Year 3/4 Statutory Word List,  Year 5/6 Statutory Word List

Read at least three times each week. 
Your number of reads will be added up every week so that we can reward you with a Bronze (50 reads), Silver (100 reads) or Gold (200 reads) badge.
Can you collect them all?

For a list of recommended reads for Year 6 click here

Maths Homework this week: Have a go at the 'Addition and Subtraction' activity sheet. This should be timed to 10 minutes.

Optional Extra Maths: Complete garage games on TTRockstars.

Recommended Reads

Greater Depth Learning

Follow these links to find resources, activities and games for working at Greater Depth in:

        Maths              Reading             Science

        Study skills and learning to learn

Tollesbury Lightship Residential


Today we had our first introductions to the Lightship. All the children have been able to look around the ship and have settled well into their cabins. Each day, the children have cabin inspections and jobs to complete around the ship. This afternoon, we went powerboat sailing and had an evening walk after dinner.


The children had a good night settled in their cabins and enjoyed a cooked breakfast before the days activities. Today we have completed a lightvessel tour, seamanship skills and a marsh discovery activity this morning; this afternoon the children have done sailing or archery. They will swap round to complete the other activity tomorrow.


This morning the children completed team building games, working together to solve a variety of puzzles. These games were completed in their jobs groups. At meal times, the children all have jobs to complete on board the ship. There are 4 groups who take turns to lay the tables, do the washing up and clean the saloon. This afternoon the children completed either sailing or archery, depending on the activity they completed yesterday. Our evening activity today was a quiz where the children took part in different rounds including general knowledge, modelling with Play-Doh for their team to guess their creations and even a paper aeroplane round.


Today the children have completed kayaking and high ropes activities. Our evening activity today was a sports night where they took part in king ball and dodgeball games.

Powerboat Trip:

Tuesday Archery:

Lightvessel Tour and Miscellaneous:

Seamanship Skills and Marsh Discovery:

Tuesday Sailing:


Team Building Games:

Wednesday Sailing:

Wednesday Archery:

Around the Ship:


High Ropes: