Tiptree Heath Primary School

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103 Maldon Road, Tiptree, Colchester, Essex, CO5 0PG


01621 815445

Tiptree Heath Primary School

"Working together for everyone"

  1. Classes
  2. Cherry Class

 Cherry Class - Year 4 

At Tiptree Heath we are: Ready, Respectful, Safe

Information for Parents

Everyday we start at 8:45am  We leave at 3:15pm

Our PE days are on a Monday and Wednesday - You will need to keep your PE kit in school for these days. 

Home Learning

Here is a powerpoint to use for Maths Meetings.

1. Column subtraction with more than one exchange.
Here is a simple sheet to practise using column subtraction.
Here is a challenge sheet to push yourself a little more. Page 2 is challenge 1, page 3 is challenge 2 and page 4 is challenge 3.
Here is a video of the method for subtracting in case you don't remember it.

1. Use this powerpoint to learn the rules for adding the prefixes: il, in, im or ir

1. Use this sheet to practise writing about different parts of the body in French. 
Feel free to use an online translator to help you.


Complete a minimum of three creative homework tasks before the end of the term. Show me examples, evidence, photos of what you have done or talk to me about what you have read. Enjoy!

Autumn Term Creative Homework

Read at least three times each week. 
Your number of reads will be added up every week so that we can reward you with Bronze (50 reads), Silver (100 reads) or Gold (200 reads) badge.
Can you collect them all?

For a list of recommended reads for Year 4 click here

Practise spelling patterns and words you find tricky each week.

Here are some spelling word lists you could practise at home:
100 High Frequency Words
200 next High Frequency Words
Year 3/4 Statutory Word List 

Here are our autumn term spelling patterns.

Here are our spring term spelling patterns.

Try to complete at least 5min a day on TTRS. This is the best way to improve your times tables. Otherwise, try to complete at least 20min a week.

I will add to this throughout the year to suit what the children enjoy and need help with.

How to model the digestive system - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf339j6/articles/zrm48mn 

Here is a link to the wonderful Duolingo.  Learn almost any language in the world.

Poetry Cat

Here is a link to The Story of Britain, told through the life of one family. 

Our Topic


Our topic for the Autumn Term is all about some of the early invaders and settlers in what is now the United Kingdom.

In History, we will learn about the period after the Romans, where these invaders came from and why they chose to settle in England.  We will examine what the country looked like between their first invasions, the resistance against the Vikings and the first king of England.  To do this, we will need to learn how historians found out about the past and compare sources of information available to us.  We will use computers to collect and present information about our country's ancestors and learn about the art and culture they introduced.

Our Science units will be animals including humans and living things and their habitats.  Within this we will discover the inner workings of our digestive systems. I wonder what the Vikings ate and whether there is a way to find out...  We will also develop a deeper understanding of food chains and how animals can be classified.


Greater Depth Learning

Follow these links to find resources, activities and games for working at Greater Depth in:

        Maths              Reading             Science

        Study skills and learning to learn

Seterra: Europe: Countries (Pin) 0:49 - YouTube