Tiptree Heath Primary School

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103 Maldon Road, Tiptree, Colchester, Essex, CO5 0PG


01621 815445

Tiptree Heath Primary School

"Working together for everyone"

  1. Classes
  2. Little Scarlet

  Little Scarlet       

Click here to watch a short video about reading with your child at home

Click here for our EYFS Policy

At Tiptree Heath we are: Ready, Respectful, Safe

Our Curriculum

 Here is a link to our EYFS Long Term Plan: EYFS curriculum map 24-25

Some parts may be subject to change during the year, as we get to know the children and choose to teach to their own particular interests. 

To find out the changes to the Early Years Curriculum, click here.

Autumn 1 2024: You, Me and Discovery


Welcome to Little Scarlet class! We hope you had a lovely summer break making lots of memories with your friends and family! This half term will all be about getting to know each other. We will be doing lots of carpet times around what makes us who we are, getting to know our friends in the class and things we like and don't like. We will be looking at facial features and things that make us different and the same. We will be establishing our routines making sure the children know where all their belongings go and where different things in the classroom are placed. We will be reading familiar stories that may also link to starting school and getting to know each other, such as Harry and the Dinosaurs Start School, Owl Babies and Funny Bones series etc. 

Later on this half term we will be celebrating Black History Month. We will be sharing stories (which we aim to do all year) that include characters of a variety of ethnicities and religions. Particularly we will be looking at the story My Skin, Your Skin by Laura Henry-Allain MBE. This links to our topic of learning about similarities and differences between us but that we are all unique! Around the same time, we will also be learning about Harvest Festival. We will look at where food comes from and how it comes to our plate. We will discuss healthy eating and what foods can do for our bodies. 

PE sessions will mainly take place in the hall. The children will need to ensure their PE bag is kept at school on their peg so we can practise  being independent in getting ourselves dressed. The children will bring their PE bags home every half term to be washed (unless they have an accident in school, in which case will need to be returned to school before their next PE session).  

We expect to be handing out reading books in the first couple of weeks (please check book bags). We ask for the children to share their reading book with you at least 3 times a week and to be recorded (individually) in their reading records please. If your child wants to read another story please do not discourage this it can also be recorded in the reading diary. If you find your child is reading the book fluently and it is 'too easy', please encourage your child to practise their comprehension skills before requesting a change of book, for example, what was the main character called? Where did the children go? What do you think might happen next? Why does that character feel that way? etc. Sometimes children can read the words but the understanding of what they read might not always be evident so would be great if you could also encourage this at home as we would in school. 

If you have any questions about any aspect of your child's learning this half term, please speak to a member of the team. A very in-depth explanation of our curriculum can be found above in our 'curriculum map.' We will also have an open evening at the end of term for you to book an appointment to discuss how your child has settled and what we are focusing on in terms of their learning and development. 

Weekly Update

WB 9th September 2024


Children start school full time Monday 9th September.

Reading books to be sent this Friday or Monday (16th).

Phonics wallets to be sent home Friday 13th September.


What will we be learning about this week?

We will be reading the stories Harry and the Dinosaurs Start School and Schooltime for Sammy this week. We will be discussing feelings surrounding our first few days at school. We will discuss the routines and expectations we have learnt and come up with a 'Classroom Agreement' that can keep us all safe. 

We will be starting our phonics learning this week. Phonics is learning about the sounds letters make. We will be exploring what our tongues and mouths need to do in order to make the different letter sounds. 

Circle times will include discussions all about ourselves including what we like and don't like. We will also carry on our discussions of rules and expectations in the classroom ensuring we are all keeping safe, for example, tucking chairs in and making sure we walk inside. 


Our home learning idea for this week is...

Draw a picture of your favourite thing at school so far. It could be lunch, the garden or the role play area (to name a few)!

(Any home learning that is recorded i.e. pictures, labels, art work etc. will be shown in during carpet time and temporarily displayed in the classroom.)

Letter Formation

Here is a video of how we teach letter formation at Tiptree Heath. Hopefully this is helpful for practise at home. 
(This video was made using clips from the YouTube account: Ludlow Learning)


This half term we will be learning Dance. We will be finding beats and rhythms as well as using our bodies to express emotion through different movements. 

PE will be on a Tuesday.

Recommended Reading for Autumn 1


Here are some ideas of books you could borrow from your local library to support our learning this term:


Starting School by Janet and Allan Ahlberg

Funny Bones series by Allan Ahlberg

Little Red Hen  by Various

Owl Babies by Martin Waddell

Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper

Schooltime for Sammy by Lynne Gibbs

Lulu's  First Day by Anna McQuinn

Harry and the dinosaurs go to school by Ian Whybrow

A Pair of Socks by Stuart J. Murphy

Seaweed Soup by Stuart J. Murphy

The Button Box by Margarette S. Reid

Where’s My Teddy? by Jez Alborough

It’s the Bear! by Jez Alborough

The Blue Balloon by Mick Inkpen

Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell

My First Book of Patterns by Bobby and June George

A-B-A-B-A – A Book of Pattern Play by Brian P. Cleary

 For a list of general recommended reads in EYFS, click here

Phonics | Waterside Primary School

For information about how we teach phonics at school, take a look at this page of the school website.  


https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources - good for phonics games (many are free)

http://twinkl.co.uk/ - thousands of resources, some of which can be accessed for free

https://www.topmarks.co.uk - online maths games for primary school children, sorted by age

https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/literacy.html - online games again useful for phonics

https://www.bl.uk/childrens-books/themes/all-activities - Creative activities about characters, illustrations superheroes etc.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7D-mXO4kk-XWvH6lBXdrPw - stories and poems performed by Michael Rosen

https://www.coolmath4kids.com - Online games, great interactive manipulatives, lessons, quizzes and brain teasers 

https://easyscienceforkids.com - activities about understanding the world

https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/ - articles, activities and games

https://artfulparent.com - art and craft ideas

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5XMF3Inoi8R9nSI8ChOsdQ -how to draw videos for children